Tag Archive | Cleanliness



When my friend Missy Hyrns gets to 200 likes on her Facebook page she will be giving away 2 Norwex cloths.

I have mentioned a time or two, maybe even three, how much I love Norwex products.  I have changed how I clean my house quite a bit in the 2 months since I was first introduced to Norwex products by  Missy.

Since I bought my first Norwex cloths, I have gotten bleach, Tide, fabric softeners, and window cleaners out of my house.  I do not consider myself a ‘green’ person, I consider myself frugal, okay, a cheapskate.  Sometimes to become more ‘frugal’, I have to spend a little more money than I normally would.  For instance, I  love to drive a bit up north to shop at Amish stores. The money I save far outweighs the extra gas money. It has cost me to switch to Norwex cloths and the mop system.  I also had my own party and received a lot of free items.  Check it out, both the company, and Missy, are very generous!

When I first heard of Norwex, I thought my friends and even my daughters were a little nuts to want to pay so much for what anyone can get at Wal-mart.  I was dead wrong. There is no microfiber cloth out there like the Norwex cloths. I won’t go into the science here, but I highly recommend you do your own investigating.  Go to the Norwex website, or better yet, attend a party to learn more. I know of a few coming up.

Go to Missy Hyrns on Facebook, like her page and hopefully you will win.